Moveable Functions

Updated 04/09/99


<Example taken from the Broadside.MIS file.>
instant SimGroup "LowerElevator" {    // Sim Group.
 instant SimPath "Path1" {          // Sim Path. Markers go inside.
   instant Marker "Marker1" {       // Marker 0.
     dataBlock = "PathMarker";
  instant Marker "Marker1" {      // Marker 1
     dataBlock = "PathMarker";
 instant Moveable "elevator_8x41" { // Object to move. MoveObj.

If MoveObj is an elevator then the MoveObj will be set to Marker0
position. The elevator Starts at Marker0 and moves to Marker1 then
Marker2 and so on till hit its the top.  After hitting the top it
moves back to Marker0 passing through all other Markers. There are
Flags you can set in the instant Moveable data block area. If power
is lost then the elevator will return to Marker0.
Must set the following to 1 for it work:
loop   The elevator will move without being triggered.
stopWayUp - Will stop at all Markers on the way up.
stopWayDown - Will stop at all Markers on the way down.
noTeam - Any team can trigger the elevator.
triggerHit - Elevator must be triggered by an external object.

If MoveObj is a Door then the door will be set to the center
Marker. Example: You have Rdoor and Ldoor. In the SimPath you have
Marker0, Marker1, and Marker2. The doors will start at Marker1. When
opened the Ldoor will move to Marker0 and Rdoor will move to Marker2.

Moveable::moveToWaypoint(MoveObj, Waypoint)
MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block.
Waypoint: Waypoints define what path the object will follow.
USED IN: Moveable.cs
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed.
Used to move the MoveObj to the desired Waypoint.  NOTE: If MoveObj is at Waypoint four and you want it to go to Waypoint zero.  To get to zero it will go to Waypoint three, two, one, and then to zero.

MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block.
USED IN: Currently not used in any script files.
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed. d.
Used to move the MoveObj to the next Waypoint.

MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block.
USED IN: Currently not used in any script files.
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed.
Used to move the MoveObj back one Waypoint.



MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block..
USED IN: Moveable.cs
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed.
Used to stop the MoveObj.


MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block.
USED IN: Currently not used in any script files.
RETURN: State. String defining the state of the object.
Used to get the current state of the MoveObj. There are four states: Undefined, MoveForward, MoveBackward, and Stop.


MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block.
USED IN: Moveable.cs
RETURN: Number. The total number of waypoints associated with the Moveobj. If failed then 0.
Used to get the total number of waypoints associated with the MoveObj.


MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block.
USED IN: Moveable.cs
RETURN: Number. The waypoint. If failed then 0.
Used to get the waypoint the MoveObj is currently at or going to.

Moveable::setWaypoint(MoveObj, Waypoint)

MoveObj: Moveable object Id defined by the Moveable data block.
Waypoint: Waypoints define what path the object will follow..
USED IN: Moveable.cs
RETURN: True if succeed or False if failed.
Used to set what Waypoint the MoveObj is currently at.